Many articles have been written iabout
Myriad Genetics (MYGN) – some bullish, some bearish. This is a bearish article, looking the
company from different angle. In a
nutshell, Myriad’s claim to fame and fortunes rests on tests for genetic mutations. Most of Myriad’s revenues (85%) come from its
BRCA test for breast cancer, each test costing about $4,000. The results of this test convinced Angelina
Jolie to get a double mastectomy in May.
And which popped Myriad shares to a 52
week high.
The Supreme
Court Decision on June 13 put paid to the Jolie bump and the
stock sank on massive volume. In
essence, the court ruled that Myriad could not patent the human genome, though
it could patent plasmids and cDNA, allowing in competitors for those
tests. In response Ambry Genetics
announced plans to introduce a test soon for $2,200 and Quest Diagnostics would
by the end of the year. Gene by Gene,
based in Houston, plans to offer the test for $995. Of course, Myriad
sued Ambry and Gene by Gene, and the stock began to climb again, though
not reaching its Jolie peak. On Aug 13,
the company reported
earnings that beat expectations handily, yet
the stock fell. So the question is, is
this a buying opportunity, or time to exit?
A few aspects that have not been covered by other authors are outlined
below that an investor may want to cogitate over.
not the news that matters, it’s the reaction to the news. This
is one of the earliest lessons I learnt while investing. I used to wonder why a stock fell on good
news and rose on bad. It was the
realization that the news was baked into the stock and Mr. Market, being
forward looking, had discounted that. So
the negative reaction of the street to the earnings beat of Aug 13 is worth
noting. Not only the earnings beat, but
also the positive guidance. It’s the
market’s way of saying we don’t believe you, your best days are behind you.
acts up. ACA being the Affordable
Care Act. Under this regulation, the
health care provider has a “financial quota” for a patient. Based on bean counters and astrological
charts (the latter being more accurate), the Government decides how much the
care for a disease should costs, and the provider will be given that
money. Go beyond that amount, and the
physician is penalized financially. Stay
under the quota and the physician in rewarded, again financially. Naturally, tying
to save money, the physician will stop ordering as many tests as before (this
being the unstated intent), including tests such as that from Myriad. Even if the physician in question does order
the test, s/he will choose the cheaper option such as those by Gene by Gene or
Ambry, again hurting Myriad. Perhaps in
response, Cigna
announced on Aug 20 that anyone wanting the BRCA test
would have to get genetic counseling.
And if the counselor did not consider it necessary, no test. This
is a double whammy for Myriad, with possibly fewer tests of BRCA, and possibly,
in the future, of all its diagnostics.
The long and short of it. There is
increasing short interest in Myriad. As of Aug 15, even
before the Cigna announcement, there was a 2,163,582 share increase in total
short interest for Myriad Genetic, an increase of about 20% since the end of
July. While some may think increasing
short interest makes for a lively short squeeze later on, I avoid stocks with
increasing short ratio. Shorts are not
fools, and generally due their homework more carefully than longs, since there
is a much greater financial risk being short than long.
Technicals. For those who think technical analysis
belongs in a Harry Potter book in the class for Dark Arts, stop reading. For
those willing to consider, take a look at the chart below (Courtesy While every TA has his/her favorites, with advantages and
disadvantages of each indicator, the one’s I focus on are below.
Moving Average. The stock has broken down below its 200 day
moving average and the 13 day is about to cross the 200 day average on the
The OBV (on balance volume) has been in a down slope since end of
July. OBV generally characterizes the
volume of buying minus selling, and thus shows investor interest. The selling days have had larger volumes than
buying days.
use TRIX, a
momentum oscillator that depicts the rate of change, because it is smoother
than MACD, and it turned negative around the first of Aug, with the black line
crossing the red.

Based on the above, I feel the chances of
making money by being long Myriad is unlikely.
More gains could be had on the short side.